Piscine 6M X 3M. The transparency level can be comparable with glass. Store motorisé immergé pour piscine 6m x 3m (code:
A 10m x 5m pale blue liner pool. 6m x 3m sur 1m30 de profondeur. 6m x 3m 7m x 3m 8m x 3,50m. Catalogue elegance piscine et spas.indd 7 29/05/2018 09:20:31.
Rectangulaire 8m x 4m rectangulaire 7m x 3,50m rectangulaire 6m x 3m rectangulaire 5m x 3m.
Bâche de piscine linxor bâche à bulles 300 microns pour piscine 6m x 07m. The transparency level can be comparable with glass. Célestine (574 avis) 5m x 3m 4.06m x 4.06m 6m x 3m 7.05m x 3.50m 8.05m x 4.06m 9.05m x 4.06m 10.05m x 4.06m. You can throw a 3 kg hammer from two meters above the polycarbonate and there will absolutely be no crack.